Melbourne Cricket Club MCC

The Melbourne Cricket Club (MCC) is the oldest sporting club in Australia. They have promoted and supported sports for over 180 years. With over 130,000 active members and a waiting list of over 200,000 to join, MCC membership is highly coveted and can take decades to obtain. The MCC are the custodians of the Melbourne Cricket Ground and oversee fourteen sporting sections.


Design a digital member experience to make match-days a breeze

The MCC identified an opportunity to enhance the membership experience by designing an app that would allow members to manage membership services anytime, on-the-go. Conduct was approached to design the MCC app with a strategic focus on digitising access to membership benefits.

Listening to MCC members and stakeholders needs

The design process started with a few sessions to hear from MCC stakeholders about their needs. We then spoke with a sample of current members and waiting list candidates and learned digital membership cards and easy planning of match days were the features they would value most. The experience needed to cut a few of the steps involved in planning event days and be easy to pick-up and roll with for members of all ages. With this in mind, we spoke with different vendors to understand how the latest tech might support a new digital experience of pre-booking tickets, passes and dining in one place. 

Digital onboarding for new members

We learned future members are sometimes on the MCC wait-list for over 15 years. There’s anxiety around waiting times and what to expect as their place progresses. When the anticipation for wait-list members was finally over, the first step to activating membership involved a post office visit for identity verification then waiting for a member pack to arrive in the mail. To alleviate this step, we designed a new process to automate onboarding. The onboarding experience for new members is on-brand, supportive, secure and completely digital.

From sketches to looks-like feels-like app experience in 6 weeks

A concept was developed and roughly sketched out in a ‘wireframe’ click-through. We worked with key MCC stakeholders and a mix of members to update and enhance the design in several phases of user-testing before arriving at the app experience members enjoy today. One question membership services are asked frequently is around the entitlements for members in different tiers. We helped MCC visualise estimated wait periods for membership statuses and designed the flows of new information.

Easy-to-manage membership from the palm of your hand

It was important to the MCC that the app made the experience in the lead up to and on game day smoother for members. Features like finding information around dress standards and a digital membership card that can be scanned at the turnstiles are easy-to-navigate and easy-to-find. The app also streamlines the experience of becoming a member by automating onboarding and verification. In the first month of its release, the MCC app was downloaded and used by thousands of members.

Production-ready design assets

To support smooth transition into development, design phase deliverables included:

  • Mature, validated, high-fidelity prototype
  • Comprehensive pattern and style guide
  • Component library
  • Documentation
  • Report outlining technical considerations

Services We Offer Australia-wide include:

App Development

Software Development

UX & UI Design


3/29 Cromwell St,
Collingwood VIC 3066
1300 368 277


55 Brisbane Street,
Surry Hills NSW 2010
1300 368 277